
Teaching and learning


Differentiated Teaching and Learning

Our implementation of the curriculum reflects inclusive practice where differentiation of learning for students provides opportunities for them to display what they know and what they can do to Strive for Success. All students have access to differentiated and explicit teaching. Identified students access focused teaching and a small number of students access intensive teaching.

Students with disability

Tieri State School complies with Commonwealth and state legislation, which requires that, as far as practicable, people with disability, can access, participate and achieve in education on the same basis as those without disability.

  • the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) (DDA)
  • the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Cth) (DSE)
  • the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) (ADA).

We recognise all students with disability as defined by the DDA definition of disability. This definition is broader than the Department of Education's six categories within the Education Adjustment Program. Students with disability include those identified in the Nationally Consistent Collection of School Students with Disability (NCCD).

 Students who are learning English as an additional language or dialect

If possible, as part of the enrolment process we ascertain from parents/carers whether family members, including the student being enrolled, usually speak a language or dialect other than English at home. With this insight  we gather as much relevant information as possible about the student's language background and proficiency, understanding that some students may speak more than one language or dialect other than English We acknowledge, however, that some students are invisible language learners, with a home language not identified by families. In both cases, Bandscales are used to identify and support EAL/D and IEAL/D students to gain proficiency in Standard Australian English (SAE)

 Individual Curriculum Plans

Following the interrogation of data gathered from focused and intensive teaching small percentage of students may be identified as requiring a different year or band of years curriculum in some or all learning areas. These students are provided with an ICP and are case managed via the Tieri Students Succeeding Committee. This includes students identified as Gifted and Talented.

 Pedagogical Practices

Curriculum planning is enacted in the classroom using effective, efficient, engaging, age appropriate practices that result in Excellence. Our pedagogical practices are student focused, goal oriented, embedded with instructional routines and supported by learning walls.

The organising ideas and research bases for our pedagogical practices are:

  • Know your learner: Age appropriate pedagogies
  • Routines to lower the cognitive load: Explicit instruction - Anita Archer and Charles Hughes
  • Co-created learning walls: Clarity - Lyn Sharratt
  • Next steps in learning: Literacy continuum/ Numeracy Continuum

Last reviewed 27 November 2020
Last updated 27 November 2020